1. On the back of your insurance card, there is a number that you can call. Ask about “out-of-network reimbursement for behavioral health.” Your insurance company will give you an estimate of what they will cover. You can tell them it is for a 45-minute therapy session and the billing code will be 90834.
2. Make sure to ask about your deductible. If there is a deductible, you will have to pay out-of-pocket the full fee until you have met that deductible amount.
3. Once you have confirmed that you have out-of-network benefits/coverage, you will want to ask what forms or steps you need to take to submit for reimbursement.
4. Typically, your insurance company will require a superbill from my office which I complete for you, and sometimes they also request you complete a form electronically online whenever you send the superbill in.
5. You should receive a check in the mail from your insurance provider approximately 4 weeks from when you submit the superbill and forms.
6. I also recommend using https://calculator.meetnirvana.com to calculate your out-of-network reimbursement aka how much insurance will cover of each session. You fill in the requested information and they provide the amount.
7. Lastly, if this all feels too daunting you can come to me, and I will help walk you through the process.